Showing posts with label Digital marketing career. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital marketing career. Show all posts

Friday 23 February 2024

What is Customer Journey in Email Marketing ?

Customer Journey in Email Marketing - Designed by vectorjuice / Freepik

The customer journey also called the email journey, is a crucial element in comprehending the key performance indicators (KPIs).

You can envision this as a narrative of a potential customer engaging with your company. The narrative progresses from an initial visit to your establishment, through the purchase process, and beyond.


The acquisition of customers is crucial for any company's growth. When a customer
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shows interest in signing up for email marketing or following the company on social media, it indicates their interest in the business and compares it with competitors. Making a positive first impression is key, so welcoming new visitors with personalized emails asking about birthdays, anniversaries, etc., and offering product discounts or information about services and courses can help build a strong relationship with new customers.



In this stage, the individual transitions from potential to actual customers.

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Now, envision running an e-commerce business where you have added items to your cart but have not proceeded with the purchase. In such a scenario, an email marketing campaign should be initiated, sending targeted emails to these users, reminding them about their abandoned cart, and offering a 10% discount for the day. These emails serve as a reminder to the user for the consideration phase, addressing the situation where the user is not fully committed to making a purchase but is still in the process of deciding.


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The unique aspect of marketing is that it doesn't stop when the customer makes a purchase. Upon buying a product, the customer receives an order confirmation email and a thank you email expressing gratitude for choosing our products. These emails are sent from the company to the users. It is important to remember that just because a customer has made a purchase, it doesn't mean they won't be a potential customer in the future. Therefore, it is essential to anticipate that customers may purchase more products from us. To keep customers engaged, it is necessary to send follow-up emails or personalized offers.

Retention (Post-purchase stage)

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In this stage, customers have already purchased the product or service and have experienced what the company offers. At this point, you can send various types of emails to users, such as feedback on the program or product to help us improve. You can also send testimonials or success stories. Additionally, emails can be sent in the retention stage, like birthday discount offers, to engage users and encourage them to make purchases while keeping the community satisfied.


There might be some users or email IDs that are inactive in your email marketing campaign. It's essential to remind these unengaged users of their importance to our business. You can achieve this by sending an anniversary email thanking them for subscribing to our channel for one year. The subject line could be "Yai, thank you for subscribing to us for 1 year." This approach helps unengaged subscribers feel like part of the community. Additionally, consider including new offers in these emails to highlight new product launches that may be beneficial to them. This strategy can entice users to engage with these types of emails.

Email Marketing Secrets Revealed !!

 Email Marketing Secrets Revealed !!

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Email marketing is an effective marketing channel that uses email to promote the business's products and services, generating sales and leads. Email marketing is considered as a digital marketing strategy that promotes their product and services via email to their potential customer. This is one of the common methods of bringing a relationship with the potential customer to update with product content and updations and offer discount coupons to their loyality customers through email.

Let's check the one-line definition, email marketing is a marketing campaign that uses email to promote products and services.

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The primary objective of email marketing is to achieve the highest possible goal.

  • Boost your business's bottom line by driving sales, revenue, or conversions! Let's work together to achieve your goals and take your business to the next level.
  • Please ensure that the emails you send are useful or enjoyable for the recipients. Also, make sure that there are no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors in the email.
  • Grow my list of email subscribers

Hey there! I'm curious to know the key features that matter the most to your business? Let's brainstorm together and see how I can assist you in achieving your business objectives.
Key features to achieving your business objectives.

  • Email templates
  • Advanced Reporting
  • SMS Marketing
  • Automation
  • Forms and landing pages
  • Optimized send times
  • AI-generated content
  • Contact segmentation
  • CRM
  • A/B testing

Here are some helpful tips and tricks for email marketing that can improve your campaigns and increase engagement with your audience.

  • Utilizing quizzes as a lead-generation tool can be a highly effective way to collect email addresses and build a targeted email list for future marketing campaigns.
  • "Integrate your email and social media accounts to streamline your communication and stay up-to-date with all your online interactions in one place."
  • One effective way to maintain the interest of your subscribers is to use cliffhangers - a storytelling technique that leaves the audience in suspense at the end of an episode, leaving them eager to know what happens next. By using cliffhangers in your content, you can keep your subscribers engaged and eagerly anticipating your next release.
  • "Encourage your reader to reply to emails." This is a helpful tip to engage your audience and prompt them to participate in a conversation. By encouraging them to reply, you are showing that you value their input and are interested in what they have to say. This can lead to a more meaningful and fruitful exchange of ideas and perspectives. So, next time you write something, remember to invite your readers to share their thoughts and opinions.

How to build an effective Email Marketing Strategy?

  • Have personalization in every mail and create an urgency.

Ensure that every email has a personalized touch and includes an element of urgency to increase the chances of a response.

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To make your email stand out, try including personalized details in every message. This could be as simple as using the recipient's name or referencing a recent interaction you had with them. Additionally, creating an urgent tone can encourage the recipient to take action on your message. This could involve using language that implies a limited time frame or emphasizing the benefits of responding quickly. By combining personalization and urgency, you can increase the effectiveness of your email communications.

Let me who doesn't be liked be loved and cared for by someone else in your life. That's exactly what we are trying to do here. Now think about a situation in which you are receiving two emails both coming from two different companies. The first company sends you
an email stating dear valuable customer and the second company sends you an email greeting with your name.

So here I will take my name dear X, u feel more comfortable and cared for by the mail which states and greets you with your name right. That is exactly what we are trying to do here. We are trying to personalize emails to individual users. 

So coming to the body of the email, the word 'you' is important if we use the word 'you', the user who reads it feels that this mail is exclusive to him and the company has sent a particular promotion for him only, that is how we personalized and engage your users and subscribers to opening up your mails.

Now talking about the sense of urgency, if we receive an email stating according to your purchase history you can like these products and we have a 10% discount on this product till today midnight. Now the company has already checked on his purchase history and if the user is interested in this kind of product and giving a 10% discount for only today at midnight. Now he is creating a sense of urgency and creating a fomo in the user's head. Fomo is missing out on the deal, since the sense of missing out on the deal at the company has created an urgency the user is eventually looking at the product and even looking to buy it. that how the urgency creates an action to drive a sale or lead.

One of the companies that use this method effectively and efficiently is Amazon. As we see an exclusive chairman of Amazon Jeff Bezos is actually a crazy email marketing mastermind.

  • Subdivide your subscribers
         Email marketing is actually direct marketing and now if we segment the email IDs and then send the promotional emails it would be like shooting an arrow and hitting a bullseye right. Segmentation can be done in several ways by industry, company name, age, demographic, etc.

 Segmentation can be taken by the CRM i.e. customer relationship software that is available. Why segmentation is important? so segmentation actually increases the open rates and can increase the number of people that are landing on the landing pages and also increases the probability of converting the promotional emails to the potential buyer. So that's why segmentation is one of the effective emailing strategies.

  • Optimize emails to mobile-friendly
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          Research says that 62% of people open their mail on their mobile so you have to ensure that your emails are mobile-friendly if you don't care about it people will start to unsubscribe because people can't able to read the email because it's not optimized for mobile-friendly devices. So one way to avoid unsubscribing users is by using RED ie. responsive email design. This helps to customize your emails according to the user-chosen device and this way the email is automatically optimized to be mobile-friendly or whichever device the user is choosing.

  • Have automation of email campaign
          Automation emails are triggered-based emails sent to the users according to their behavior. Now triggered-based emails can be thank you emails, transactional emails, or welcome emails. eg: Now think of a scenario in which you don't have an Amazon account if you are asked to create an Amazon account and asked to fill in the details like your name, and email ID that creates a password as soon as you set up your Amazon account you receive an email from Amazon stating hai 'X'  welcome to the Amazon family and they will give you all greetings and tell you what their product and services and all the good stuff, these are the products that we are having and finally stating thank you for choosing Amazon this is what the welcome email and that is exactly what the triggered mail is.

Amazon uses automated email in a super cool manner and I will tell you how now you think you are planning to buy a mobile and you like a few models present on Amazon and you click two models and you place it on your cart and because of some busy work, you left the product purchase away. Now what Amazon does here is Amazon sense-triggered emails to the users who have done this, stating that below 'X' you have left your products in your cart alone and go ahead and purchase it because we have provided a 5% discount or free delivery on this order. This way they tempt the user to close the deal and this is why Amazon is successful in their business.
  • Test your email
             Now every company before launching its product always performs tests, in the same way before launching your email campaigns you need to test your emails before sending them to your subscribers. Now A/B testing is a majorly used testing that is used by a lot of email marketers. A few things that are tested under A/B testing are CTA i.e. call to action, subject lines, images, etc.

Now you need also to understand that there are other email clients or email providers so you need to view other's emails in other email providers to understand how email is visible to the user who is using emails by email providers like Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook mails, etc. You need to understand that email should be designed in a way that looks beautiful in all kinds of email providers.
  • Send email at the right times.
            According to my research, I found a few times when emails actually are opened frequently i.e. the open rate of emails is frequently high. Some of the times for example 10 a.m. are the morning when people frequently look at their phones and open their emails and 10 p.m. the night when people rest down and look at their phones for social media is when they see promotional emails.

You need to understand as an email marketer you have to launch and send emails at various times of the day. Then you have to report, understand, and analyze what types the open rates are high in your promotion email marketing campaigns according to the results and analysis that you have got and the time you got when the open rates are high and the landing pages of the people is very high you should keep future emails in that particular time. First, you have to set a time and send a few emails marketing campaigns and send a few professional emails to a particular time so that we can analyze which time to best suited so that the people where your open rate is higher.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Various Job Profile in Digital Marking and their Role

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Various Job Profiles in Digital Marking and their Role :

Most people need to be made aware of what they are up to in the digital market, and what career they can opt for. As a fresher, they won't be aware of the industrial facts and the requirements of what the digital marketing agencies looking for or what the company wants with the person who goes to work as a digital marketer in their firm.

 As a fresher, he won't have any proven experience in any part of Digital Marketing. So most of the company look for experienced people rather than a refresher, they need more outcomes in less specific time. Even 2 to 3 years of experience they are given with a salary of 15-20k and for freshers 5 -10k as in means of a free internship or maybe a paid one. Most low-profile companies look for the above option as mentioned i.e. low budget more outcomes using the advantage of internships from students.

For experienced ones, ask for the specific keyword that stands out in SERP and their proven results. But most of the candidates specialize in any one of the fields in digital marketing i.e. SEO, SMO, SMM, Email marketing, Affiliated marketing, Content Marketing Video Marketing, etc.

But most of the company include all these criteria in their job profile and should have these job responsibilities for the eligibility of their offered job post. The candidate can't have all these job criteria as mentioned, where he may previously worked. So what about the salary offered same fact as mentioned always, *based on the industrial standard.

Let us see the various Job Profiles in Digital marketing: 

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  • Digital marketing Executive, Experience ~ 0+ Years
  • Digital marketing Specialist, Experience ~ 2+ Years
  • Digital marketing Manager or Team leader, Experience ~ 4+ Years
  • Digital marketing Strategist/ Analyst, Experience ~ 4+ Years
  • Head of  Digital Marketing 
  • Head of Marketing / VP Marketing / Chief Marketing Officer     

Job Responsibility:

  • Developing and managing digital marketing campaigns. 
  • Utilizing a range of techniques including paid search, SEO, and PPC.
  • Overseeing the social media strategy for the client.
  • Managing online brand and product campaigns to raise brand awareness.
  • Improving the usability, design, content, and conversion of the client's website
  • Responsibility for planning and budgetary control of all digital marketing

  • Evaluate customer research, market conditions, and competitor data.
  • Review new technologies, and strategies and keep the company at the forefront of developments in digital marketing.
  • Generate reports on our marketing campaign’s performance
  • Tracking the conversions and improving the percentages and number
  • Taking care of SEO, SEM to Social Media.

Have any queries ..??? Just comment will get back to you soon.... 


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